Sunday, September 9, 2007

Predjama (before-cave) castle - FOTO

Just another day and another trip around Slovenia. It was nice sunny late afternoon and it was just enough time to drive to Predjama castle. I recommend it to anyone who wants to see one of most crazy world castles. Entrance Fee is - well it is not cheapest one (about 7€) but it is still worthy to see this rock fortress.
Historical idea behind it: In middle ages there was knight who rebelled against Habsbourg monarch and he had to find him new home in castle built in solid rock in the middle of the cliff. All around the castle are caves giving him additional natural protection and helping him to establish new maintenance ways in the time when he was under the siege. The knight was "Erazem Predjamski" and he was making fun of the army surrounding front of the castle that was without food and not able to invade the castle and he was throwing them food (he got it via cave system that was open to another valley) from the castle. There was no chance to invade the castle - walls are about 1-2 m thick. Only weak spot of the castle was the toilet. And there was knight servant who wanted to become closer to monarch so after the year of unsuccessful siege he sold his master to the army by indicating the time when Erazem went to the toilet. Enough words, here are some most characteristic photos.

This is a far look to the castle in the middle of the solid rock

When you come closer you can see also cave behind castle - within cave it is another older castle (only ruins).

Within the same cave there is cave path to the freedom, from where Erazem got food when he was under siege.

This is the view from the castle to the ground

Another look to the lowest level of rock where castle stand (behind door there is cave where was horse stable and another cave is just a bit lower).

Besiegers saw Erazem's castle like this - it is not very encouraging to invade it or what.

Toilet where Earzem was killed (object in the middle of the picture).

According to the legend this Lind is planted by Erazem's girl on his grave and it is more than 500 years old (and still alive).

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