Sunday, December 2, 2007

My old love - some faded memories.

No, I will not write about women - it is not worthy to bother. This part of me is mostly mine and I will not share it here. Today I am again thinking about one of my oldest loves. It is much more than recreation, sport, hobby or anything. I spent about 12 years with horses. I went to school because I had to, I did many other things for the same reasons. However, I spend all my free time in the saddle or only working with horses, because I love them (still, despite I was not in the saddle for 2 yeas and more).

Few days ago I met by chance one of my girls that I taught to ride. I was maybe 18 and she was still in primary school, afraid of horse and with strong will to learn how to stay in the saddle. In the stable I put her on the bare horseback to show her how horse is calm and worthy to be trusted. She was improving very much, she even felt to the ground latter but she climbed up and we rode further. She gave me some picture of me riding on my horse (still have it) and some nice county CD by Garth Brooks (still in my CD player and playing sometimes).
Now she is young lady, studying veterinary medicine and I am nostalgic and missing times when I rode my Bonita and leading that girl around the woods. If she will be reading this, she will know.
Oh and by the way, when I just started to dream about my LIFE (it was life written with caps - I know it now), in the first half of November I was at Verona horse fair and here are some pictures just for example.


Anonymous said...

iiiiiiii, konjički:)
Moram pristaviti svoj kotliček-tudi jst imam lepe spomine na to, kako si me gnal v Hrašah na tiste galope ... Bilo je noro. In še danes s hrepenenjem v grlu opazujem vse konjičke in se vidim, kako jaham na njih v preriji kot Lucky Luka... Kdaj gremo spet kej jezdit?

Anonymous said...

Hm, ja ene par sem jih pa res gnal okrog, celo nekaj Matej. Saj pravim - pogrešam tiste čase ampak.... no mogoče bom nekoč spet v formi za kaj takega. Predvsem bom pa zbral nazaj dovolj volje in časa, da bom si lahko privoščil to kar sem počel takrat.