Monday, June 18, 2007

Animal protection - good practices

I just read a interesting news. Whole world is full of abandoned animals and organizations concerning about them are trying to protect them and minimize this problems in different ways, mostly by creating asylums for animals.
Serbia has great problem with abandoned animals and when I was entering Beograd by train it was awful picture of poor people and poor animals. Today the news was that Serbian president Tadić adopted one of such animals when he visited one of such animal protection association as a sign that people should care for animals.
Serbia still has long way to go to achieve better socio-economic situation but such positive messages should be not only good example for Serbians but also for the rest of the world that politicians can be positive example to their people. I would like to see our president (always buying dog to go to the animal asylum and adopt some animal that had less luck in its life before).
And I really wish to the new Serbian presidential cat all the best and I hope to hear soon that our politicians will be human enough to follow this example of humanity.


Anonymous said...

Prav lepo bi bilo, da bi ljudje, ki imajo radi živali povabili k sebi oz. posvojili domačega ljubljenčka. Predsednik Tadić pa je eden redkih, ki je naredil prvo potezo glede siromaških živali, ki tekajo po ulicah. Bravo ... lep vzor državljanom Srbije.

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