In država bo morala zagotoviti pogoje za večjo mobilnost prebivalstva v kolikor si želi razvoja in moderne družbe. Dokler pa razmere na cesti v kombinaciji s kaznovalno politiko silijo posameznika, da ostaja doma pa še dolgo ne bomo doživeli gospodarskega preboja.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Avtocestnim dirkačem odklenkalo ???
24 ur ponovno poroča o policijskih akcijah s področja preventive v cestnem prometu. Država je jebeno lačna. Zmanjšanje socialne varnosti postaja moda, saj celo tisti, ki so odgovorni za njeno zagotavljanje odkrito govorijo, da jo bodo zmanjšali. Po drugi strani narašča nadzor nad ekonomskimi tokovi kjer nas zaostalost tišči nazaj v leto 1950. Policija me je na vsakem odseku sposobnaulovit s prekoračitvijo hitrosti - prostovoljno priznavam. Večino časa preživljam na avtocesti. Za vsakih prevoženih cca 700 km (minimalni domet s polnim tankom) pa je moja povprečna hitrost okrog 70km/h kar je 60 km pod omejitvijo. pa je od Ljubljane do Novega mesta ali Nove Gorice večino časa avotcesta ali pa regionalka, kjer je omejitev 100 km/h. Tukaj nekaj ni v redu. Ko sem se zadnjič peljal do Budve je kljub temu, da na nekaj koncih ni avtoceste in da so omejitve relativno nizke (po Črni Gori praktično 40 km/h), kljub temu je bila povprečna hitrost nekje 100 km/h. Ne da bi bistveno drugače vozil - morebiti celo bolj po predpisih Varnost - v Sloveniji kljub nižji povprečni hitrosti obstaja na eni sami poti bistveno več nevarnih situacij. Vključno s cestninskimi postajami, ki bi že davno morale biti podrte, pa se verjetno ne bo zgodilo, dokler ne bo več resnih nesreč kot je bila tista ko je italjanski motorist zapeljal na napačni pas in prebil zapornico. To se nebi zgodilo če bi bila cestninska postaja tam odstranjena. In za to je odgovorna država.
In država bo morala zagotoviti pogoje za večjo mobilnost prebivalstva v kolikor si želi razvoja in moderne družbe. Dokler pa razmere na cesti v kombinaciji s kaznovalno politiko silijo posameznika, da ostaja doma pa še dolgo ne bomo doživeli gospodarskega preboja.
In država bo morala zagotoviti pogoje za večjo mobilnost prebivalstva v kolikor si želi razvoja in moderne družbe. Dokler pa razmere na cesti v kombinaciji s kaznovalno politiko silijo posameznika, da ostaja doma pa še dolgo ne bomo doživeli gospodarskega preboja.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Putting together Terrarium
In one of previous posts I described how I changed my Malawi aquarium to terrarium. After month of great life with bearded dragon I found out that not only fish but also reptiles can be fun (in fact much greater fun). So I decided to carry on with bigger terrarium. Idea was to out in something bigger and interesting. I was choosing between Green Iguana and Chinese water dragon (both need tropical arrangement with intense humidity). On the other hand I was dreaming about more interesting reptiles like Thorny devil (living only on thousands of ants on daily basis) Frilled lizard, or African Red headed dragon. There was also option for bunch of small collared iguanas. I started browsing on possibilities to get something interesting and calculating appropriate dimensions, including prices. Last possibility were wooden plates (plastic glass was too expensive), and most appropriate dimensions were 180x100 x 60 cm And here we go:
On front side: adding additional small front wall where channels (see them on picture below)for plastic glass doors will be added later on. In the middle there is support for roof, preventing any possibility to have middle part lover than both ends.
I added branch (one more should be added as it seems form today), waterfall, some rocks.
And here is his majesty Chlamidosaurus kingii ariving to new home and using my boots for throne :-)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Once more from treasure of Slovenian Police
Despite I mostly write in Slovenian, when talking about national questions. But concerning the fact that I had some nice academic debates on police state lately I will do it in English. I argue in general that Slovenian police is creating the social construct of proper driving in order to prevent death on Slovenian road. In most of the reports (like 90%) "unappropriate speed" is main reason for severe injuries or death in car accidents. Few days ago Slovenian army personnel crashed on highway with army adjusted MB 4x4 vehicle (link to the news - Slovenian). She was minor injured and police made report. In the report they stated that accident happend due to oil on the highway. I strongly dopub that there was like great lake of oil (at least prior the accident) and I also doubt that there was nobody driving over the same oiled area (if it was really there), with speed same or higher than she was driving. And there was no report on her alcohol level test (that should be done in the case of such accident with any driver). If same accident would happen to somebody else police report, according to the general pratice observed from the media, would be "unappropirated speed" that was to high concerning the road condition.
It seems that Slovenians are stupid not to find out that police reports on car accidents are often elaborated in the way to serve specific purpose of earning more budgetary money and to protect state position in relation to their own citizens. Taxpayers will pay for the repair of the car - or better - for new one. We will pay for her rehabilitation, road repair and intervention. And it is fine with me, if police would say the truth about the real causes (such car should be able to survive much more than oil on the road - was she using the phone, driving to aggressive, did she felt asleep, was car inappropriate maintained). When I had accident few monts ago in 10 cm snow on a highway (at 9.30 AM when should be at least partly cleaned) they imediately blamed my tires and not the condition of the road. Sorry I am not buying these stories.
It seems that Slovenians are stupid not to find out that police reports on car accidents are often elaborated in the way to serve specific purpose of earning more budgetary money and to protect state position in relation to their own citizens. Taxpayers will pay for the repair of the car - or better - for new one. We will pay for her rehabilitation, road repair and intervention. And it is fine with me, if police would say the truth about the real causes (such car should be able to survive much more than oil on the road - was she using the phone, driving to aggressive, did she felt asleep, was car inappropriate maintained). When I had accident few monts ago in 10 cm snow on a highway (at 9.30 AM when should be at least partly cleaned) they imediately blamed my tires and not the condition of the road. Sorry I am not buying these stories.
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