Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Statistika je ena sama velika laž, ki nam omogoča da dokažemo karkoli želimo. To je najbolj splošno prepričanje o družboslovni statistiki. No ko sem uspešno premagal včerajšni odpor do pisanja analize sem danes naletel na novo klado. Jasno ta ljuba analiza zahteva nekaj rečunanja in še več interpretiranja podatkov - vse lepo in prav če bi stvari dejansko delovale kot morajo. Ampak, ko statistiko delajo ljudje kot so skregani z logiko matematičnega razmišljanja nastane vse živo. Tako sem v roku 10 minut eni in isti izračun interpretiral na dva možna načina. Torej je nekaj narobe z mojim znanjem........Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......... Amapk, ko smo pripravljali kodno tabelo meni ni usekalo v glavo to kar smo se učili že v prvem pa v drugem letniku dodiplomskega študija. Da in ne se pretvarja v številke po binarnem sistemu. Torej 1 je "da" in 0 je "ne". No seveda na to da bo čez nekaj časa to problem niti nisem opazil, ko bi bilo treba in tako je bilo 1 je da in 2 je ne. In linearni koficient povezanosti se potem obnaša natanko obratno, kot če bi bilo "ne" 0 in ne 2. Temu obratno potem sledi tudi interpretacija.
Vsebinski rezultat te prekucije je t,o da iz relativno logične ideje o tem, da tisti, ki imajo manj zaposlenih za isto količino dela pogosteje trdijo, da potrebujejo dodatno zaposlene pademo v popolnoma nelogično ampak birokratsko super delujočo trditev, da tiste organizacije, ki imajo več zaposlenih pogosteje težijo k še več zaposlenim. To je namreč tipična zančilnost piramidalne birokratske strukture, kjer vsak nadrejeni poskuša za delo, ki bi ga lahko opravil sam, zaposliti čimvečje število podrejenih ter tako razdeliti delo na toliko kosov, da ga je nemogoče opraviti sebe pa poriniti stopnico višje na hierarhični priramidi uprave.
In tako zgleda racionalizacija slovenske javne uprave. Se že veselim pokrajin - ne spljoh.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

delovna nevnema

Že cel dan se pripravljam, da se lotim pisanja enega poročila oziroma analize nečesa, kar me sicer celo zanima pa vendar. Začetki so vedno težki - ponavadi se težji od koncev. Rahlo sem sit vsega ampak nimam izbire. Kriza je ker vedno delam "po navdihu" ozrima, ko imam ravno idejo, čas in voljo, da zadevo napišem. Ker pa ponavadi vedno umanjka vsaj en element od naštetih je moja delovna sposobnost omejena na minimum.
Drugače sem pa postal preveč priden glede zgodnjega vstajanja. Ne vem a so to leta, občutek krivde ker sem pred tem pol življenja prespal ali pa zgolj popolnoma zmešan bioritem, ki se seli med časovnimi pasovi iz dneva v dan. Mogoče mi celo uspe, da se v naslednjem letu navadim vstajanja ob normalnih urah, da ne bom ob 16h lovil ljudi po službah tik preden zaključijo uradno delo, kar se je dogajalo dokler sem imel dopoldansko lenobo in spanje do 12h.
Ok, recimo, da sem sedaj napisal dovolj, da sem padel v tipkarsko formo in grem lahko končno napisat vsaj kako stran tiste analize predno me odnese v naslednjo ustvarjalno krizo.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

CEPSA conference 2007

As every year we organised Slovenian political science association conference. This event was in 2007 co-organised with Central European Political Science Association Conference and I was really glead to see so many friends from abroad who are able so shake your hand warmly, despite you are young and inexperienced and who are able to ask you about how you are and not only demanding this and that and materials and bunch of information. It was great time also for me who mostly had to work on organization and hereby I am thankful also to Tina for her moral and working support as well as for her company that made whole sitting and waiting time much more berable and funny. I have no idea about general conclusions of the conference but I certanly know that I will be glead to meet these people again and again.

Best regards to everyone.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

what is pen

You remeber movie Incredible mind or something, about crazy guy who mixed numbers. Who cares, this movie introduced "pen ceremony". And I just get nice pair of pens and I remember symbolic power of this pen giving ceremony.
I hate to get presents for specific ocasions, and I hate all hand-shakes and congratulations. But I got this pen in another way, without big words of being proud of me and so on and just with big hug telling me more than I needed to know. Thank you for pen and beautiful evening.

Friday, May 18, 2007

long week

It was one of longest weeks. I was just back from Helsinki ECPR conference. It was great event and it was a great feeling to meet some new people as well as to meet old friends and colleagues. Thanks to all of them for a great time, funny photos and deep thouhgths. And certainly also special thanks to Milena who agreed with me that we political scientists are strange people with wired sense of humor and with mulitiple personalities.
Second good thing - in nine years I got my first speeding ticket - great opportunity to spend some extra money for nothing - but last fourteen days I am really genreous. And her we are on wednesday which became the day D. It goes to history. I did it, finaly, after 20 years spet in educational system there is no level left to achieve it. I can from now on only do it again and again or better, I can find new challenges. But at the moment I still have so many things unfinished that I can work for the whole summer to clean all the mess with differetne papers and texts.
And yesss book on e-governace and e-business at the costumers' serivce is finally officially published and available to be ordered at

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Rutinsko delo

Ponovno na poti - skoraj. Čez 30 ur bom ponovno nekje v zraku na poti v osamitev svojega razmišljanja. Ujet v pločevinasti lupini 10.000 metrov nad zemljo. Premaknil bom uro naprej - popolno potovnanje v času in prostoru. Danes, samo dobr dan pred tem še vedno počnem običajne stvari, še vedno nimam prtljage pripravljene in še vedno mi pol stvari manjka. Občutek, da ponovno odhajam v svoj svet še ne obstaja. Vse bo teklo normalno do pred pol ure preden bom odšel na letališče. Ne morm verjet, kako lahko stvari kot je potovanje v tujino dejansko postane popolnoma vsakdanja rutina. Nekoč je bilo, pa marsikomu je to še danes, velik dogodek, meni je isto kot, da grem do Ljubljane. Vsi pravijo, slika, piši, javi se, ampak nima smisla, saj ne grem na luno. Dejansko je vse skupaj že prav preveč rutinsko. Edino kar vznemirja so ti prekleti letališki varnostni ukrepi, ki iz tebe naredijo kriminalca še predno karkoli dejansko narediš. Pa saj je lepo in prav da se skrbi za varnost ampak ne pa da se moram skoraj opravičiti ker imam s sabo prtljago.

Friday, May 4, 2007

comrade TITO

In year when I was bon on april 4th former Yugoslavia fall. It was 3pm and comrade Tito died in Ljubljana main hospital. I was borm two months later but I remeber him, from history, from school and despite only ten years later his dreams disapeared I was still his. It is funny how somethings can touch people that much, despite one did not even really know much about his times. When I was in primary school and than later in college I just knew him as historical person. However, at my study of political science I found much more about him and I found him interesting in other ways.
He was cruel in a way, but he made Yugoslavia important part giving the balance between cold war. He was the iniciator of world peace, who was capable and strong enough to stand preasures from East and West. Mostly he was good politician and charizmatic person. He hade one of greatest funerals in the XX. century. He give to many of people possibilty not to survive but to live in his times - and he is at least politicaly responssible for death of many others.
He was compelx person but to me, as I see it now, he gave ideas about what person I should be. And here he was more positive than Bush talking about Axis of Evil.

There is old song about young people giving word to him and to the nation. Idea is we may go different way than you did but you can count on us".

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Am I me, with boody eyes and deep voice silence of my room. It is 3 am and I am doing my night shift for nobody knows which turn. It is so me. And it is full moon. Good time for dark thoughts, restless spirit and many other things - like work. It is so quiet to work in the middle of the night and it is so nice that you can sit in you chair and only think about your work or anything else. In the morning there will be no pece to work, phone will ring, e-mails will just arrive like aeroplanes at Frankfurt or Toronto. And yes, I will sit on the night flight to Helsinki in a few days time. It is not first time and I have just to much work to think about going again. In last moment I will pack my small suitcase and go to the other dimension. Going abroad is always going to the other demension, giving you possibility to see how small your life is, how unimportant, how nothing it is and how it does not make any difference if you are or if you are not.
You can be and stay and you will be small in your perception that you are something important and great, or you can take your chance, go away and become greater in your recognition how unimportant you really are.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

When you are empty

Its my personal but I will make it in English. Maybe I will be even less clear as usual but it doesn't matter. One to whom this post is dedicated to will probably never read it. But I will never forget THE SCREAM, it was the only scream I will ever remember. I will never forget New Years' tears. And I will never forgive myself for not doing what I should do on April 5th. But years pass away, and you think it is OK until - until thhere is someone who crossed your way and make you think of what you want and more of what you are. And this person make you cry again, because you find out what a bastard you are. I would like to prove myself better than I did it before. One who will never read this post should do so - just to know that I remember. And one who will maybe read this post should know that I... oh the PERSON knows. All the others just don't matter at all. But they can read and thing about themselves.