Sunday, September 16, 2007

Where is Slovenian president

Some days or maybe weeks ago Slovenians started to ask themselves where is our President, PhD. Drnovšek.

In the first half of his mandate 2002-2007 he was almost invisible and fighting his illness. After he recovered, he changed his attitude and become active as it is possible but with strongly humanitarian note. He get into fight with prime minister and government for several times (Slovenia is not presidential but parliamentary republic). Last activities were when he rejected political scandals over independence day celebration (another quarrel with government) in June 2007. In July 2007 he was still active until about July 15th and since then no news about him and also barely any news from his office. People started to wonder what is going on with him. From here on, I am writing pure speculations that should be more or less understood as political jokes but I will be glad that president himself will contact me with sufficient proof of identity and tell me that he thinks on us :)))

1. Only response of his office was in September 2007, when they said that he is on holiday. Could be true, but it is strange due the fact that he did not accept Italian prime minister Romano Prodi who seems to be his personal friend.

2. His illness may get worse again and he is at hospital - but media could find that in the moment.

3. Hes is dead - no he is not - we have democracy and he is not big fish that anyone should hide his death.

4. He is detained by prime minister Janez Janša - possible due to their previous disputes, and only government have enough power to hide such information form media. I doubt but if it is truth - we are living in fucked up democracy like USA - meaning Cuba and China are more free. So I doubt that he is imprisoned or assassinated by Slovenian political forces.

5. Electoral campaign for presidential election 2007 started and he refuses to intervene by supporting any of candidates so he moved away - it is possible and completely in sound with his new moral stand.

6. He changed his location and he lives in woods preparing his new book on meditation. Very likely.

What is the truth - I believe in combination of points 1, 5 and 6. He is removing himself from the politics, he doesn't want to influence electoral decision at the moment (maybe he will do it only few days before election) and he is preparing something more personal.

Mr. Drnovšek - what is your truth?


Anonymous said...

hm, kaj ko bi se dragi doktor phd naučil vsaj malo angleščine, preden jo zlorablja za pisanje bloga?

Anonymous said...

kaj ko bi se anonimneži podpisovali za začetek. In ja, definitivno moja angleščina ni absolutno najboljša in sploh ampak je dovolj dobra, da si verjetno tudi ti dojel-a bistvo sporočila. Tudi moja slovenščina ni 100% pa se ne sekiram pretirano. Če si pa sam profesionalni anglist je pa to lahko ponudba, da mi brezplačno zlektoriraš cca 200 strani angleškega teksta, ki zahteva višjo stopnjo jezikovne čistosti kot blog.

Matej said...

Ja bi blo lepo, če bi se kaj oglasil... zgleda da predsedniške naloge veliko bolj kot on sam opravljajo predsedniški kandidati :S

btw, nisem tisti prejšnji anonimni, sam mogoče je mislil to: "he don't want to influence electoral decision at the moment". He doesn't want to...

lapsus calami :P :D

Anonymous said...

Matej, hvala za komentar - ja definitivno imaš prav in napaka je odpravljena. To imam raje, kot neko splošno natolcevanje.

Kar se pa predsednika tiče pa - ni ravno državotvorno, čeprav ga kot človeka poskušam razumet.