Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finally - I did it again

After quite a ling time I finally succeeded to get into the strugle im my personal contests on being awake for more than 24h. I woke up yesterdaj around 10 am and I was awake and reading and writing all night long. After posting this I will go to the Ljubljana and be there until about 12am - It means that I will be awake already for 26 hours. And because I have another meeting at 4 pm (it will take about one hour) I will be awake at least for 32 hours and because I serious doubt that I will be in the bed before midnight I will be awake for 38 hours - not bad.

And picture will be added before I go to sleep :P


Anonymous said...

Hehe prav nič čudnega zate. Samo na to jaz nisem ravno ponosna, kajti če ne spim vsaj 6 ur na dan slej ko prej to pride za mano - bolezen, slabo počutije ...
Me pa vseeno zanima fotografija, ki jo boš dodal.

Anonymous said...

Fotka bo pomoje najboljša na temo umetniški vtis, drugače pa jah kaj čmo - čeprov mene zvije kdr nism hiperaktiven