What is behind:
In Slovenia we faced first serious train collision with car (3 people dead) and only week later 7 dead in car crash on the highway. In both cases it seems that next to the human factor there was serious problem concerning providing enough security by state institutions. Bye Bye Božič
Slovenia is facing serious problem in providing high level of health care as it was in the past, many problems were inherited from the previous mandates but new minister only went deeper into the scandals with negative effects mostly for the patients - Bye Bye Bručan.
Slovenian higher education reform was connected to European changes but there was obvious ambition of ministry of high education ans science to destroy public high school system and to destroy the proportions between social and natural sciences (people still prefer social sciences despite minister had campaigns at secondary schools around the state to convince pupils to study natural sciences. He also strongly supported private universities - what is not wrong until you don't support them with public money that should be completely transferred to public education system. Bye bye Zupan.
All three ministers can be experts in their professions but as ministers they were proving themselves completely incompetent. And prime minister finally recognised it and held meeting with them - consequently they resigned (so they were pressured to resign in fact, despite everyone is denying this). If you managed to read this please find attached interesting pool on some Slovenian commercial TV. And if you are not able do understand.
Question is if somebody else should resign also. In one day there was 11.000 answers and 45% of respondents think that prime minister Janez Janša should resign also. It tells a lot about the situation.
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