Friday, August 24, 2007

ZOO Ljubljana - Slovenia

Today Tinkara and I went to Slovenian national ZOO in Ljubljana. It is far from those I saw in Salzburg, Wien, Winnipeg or Munich, however it is great walk around the animal planet giving me reason to understand why we have to save wild life around the world. When I was in ZOO Ljubljana for the first time that I remember I was about 8. From that time changed a lot. ZOO was closed due to expensive maintenance and dying of some attractive animals. In last time we finally got back giraffes and additional sea lion. Most of the animals got better conditions in more natural environment. But apes and lions are still in too narrow cages not allowing them feeling just a bit more free. I found my ZOO guide from 1986 and a lot of animals is missing - like bisons, different apes (only chimpanzees are present today among big apps), black panters, pumas, foxes. We certainly hope that Ljubljana ZOO will expand again ant that we will be able to see more animals in better conditions. Till then few photos from today's trip.


OLKI said...

Si se pa fotografsko prav razpištolil...hehe


Anonymous said...

Slik se mi vedno nabira malo morje - nikoli si nisem privoščil opreme tvojega ranga ampak mi je bilo pa vedno v užitek iskat zanimive podobe - kakovost je pa druga zgodba tako z vidika znanja kot z vidika opreme.